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Miami Car Accident Lawyer Secretary of the American Board of Trial Advocates

Jeffrey R. Davis is a Miami car accident lawyer who has served his community defending victims rights for three decades. Recently, after years of being a member, Mr. Davis became Secretary of the Miami Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA).
What is ABOTA?
ABOTA’s mission is to preserve the institution and integrity of the civil jury trial. At times in the history of the American justice system, it has come under vicious attack. Its members believe in the critical importance of the civil jury trial as a way for American citizens to receive justice. ABOTA members believe in the sanctity of the right to trial by a jury of your fellow peers, which is the Seventh Amendment of the United States Constitution.
As a Miami Car Accident Lawyer, Mr. Davis has seen many instances when victims of personal injuries are well served by a trial by jury. It is through the jury system that they may find justice after someone has injured them. This can happen when they receive compensation and when the guilty person is subject to punitive damages that a jury determines.
Who are the Members of ABOTA?
ABOTA strives to encourage attorneys to join our organization who fit the following criteria:
- Have integrity, civility, and great skills as attorneys
- Have a desire to mentor younger attorneys in a quest to better their trial advocacy skills
- Have an interest in educating the American public about the importance of the Seventh Amendment.
How Does ABOTA Achieve Its Mission?
The Trustees of the Foundation are committed to achieving the following:
- Stress the value of the right to a trial by a jury and its history by offering civics education classes and materials.
- Encourage integrity, courtesy, and honor among all legal professionals.
- Support the Foundation’s work however possible by example.
As a Miami Car Accident Lawyer Jeffrey R. Davis is committed to preserving and protecting the American peoples’ right to a trial by jury.