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A Commercial Truck Accident Can Cause Life-Changing Injuries

When we drive, we are surrounded by commercial trucks. These vehicles could be supplying construction sites, hauling fresh produce, or transporting goods to a warehouse. As critical as these vehicles are, they pose a serious threat to all those around them when mistakes are made, accidents happen, and victims get hurt.
What Causes Commercial Truck Accidents?
There are many possible causes, and there may be more than one for a particular crash. Driver errors cause most accidents:
- Truck drivers often operate under tight schedules and demanding deadlines, increasing the risk of fatigue-induced accidents.
- Impaired judgment and reaction time caused by alcohol or drug use significantly increase the risk of collisions.
- Drivers using cell phones, eating, or engaging in other activities while driving can divert attention away from the road.
- Tailgating, speeding, and improper lane changes contribute to dangerous situations
- Lack of proper training and experience with handling large vehicles, especially in heavy traffic or emergency situations, can lead to judgment errors.
The truck or trailer may lead to the accident:
- Malfunctioning brakes, tires, steering systems, or lights caused by poor maintenance and the failure to make repairs may lead to loss of control or poor visibility.
- Uneven weight distribution due to overloaded or improperly loaded trucks or trailers can affect stability and handling, increasing the risk of rollovers or jackknife accidents.
- Unsecured or poorly secured cargo may roll off a trailer or truck and collide with vehicles behind it, or secondary accidents may result from vehicles trying to avoid cargo left on the road.
Road and environmental factors may trigger an accident involving a fatigued or distracted driver and their poorly maintained truck:
- Rain, fog, or strong winds can affect visibility and traction, making it difficult to safely control the vehicle.
- Uneven surfaces, potholes, or lack of proper signage can contribute to accidents.
- Large commercial trucks have large blind spots, so drivers may sideswipe other vehicles they can’t see.
All drivers are ultimately responsible for their vehicles. If conditions are bad enough, commercial trucks should slow down to safely travel or pull off the road if that’s not possible.
What Injuries Might a Commercial Truck Accident Cause?
Accidents involving commercial trucks often result in severe or fatal injuries. They can include:
- Soft tissue injuries such as whiplash, sprains, strains, bruises, and deep cuts
- Broken ribs and bones in your arms, legs, and spinal column. Pelvic fractures may also involve internal organ injuries. Facial bones are vulnerable to fractures in severe accidents.
- Head and brain injuries can cause permanent disabilities. Even mild head injuries can cause concussions and cognitive and memory issues. Traumatic brain injuries can permanently injure a victim’s brain. Skull fractures can lead to bleeding in the brain and cell death.
- Spinal cord injuries which may result in restricted mobility, pain, nerve damage, and partial or total paralysis
- Injuries to organs like the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys by blunt force trauma. Internal bleeding can be fatal and sharp objects or broken bones can puncture internal organs.
- Non-physical injuries. Involvement in a traumatic commercial truck accident may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms like anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares. You may also experience severe depression over your injuries and anxiety about traveling on roads or highways.
How you might be injured depends on the truck’s speed, its weight, where it hit your vehicle, and the effects of your seatbelts and airbags. No matter your injuries, get medical treatment as soon as possible so you can get a diagnosis and start treatment and healing.
Injured in a Truck Accident? Jeff Davis Can Help
Jeffrey R. Davis, P.A., is a Miami personal injury law firm helping accident victims, including those injured by commercial trucks, obtain the compensation they deserve. Call us today at (305) 577-3777 to schedule a free consultation.